


Category: Outstanding Prison Support NGO of The Year

Code: 3561

Nominee's Bio: Esther M Liana is the Founder and CEO of Generation Riding on Wisdom (GROW) a Non profit Organization whose Mission is Inspiring Hope, Empowering People, Impacting Lives and Changing nations. GROW is an organization dedicated to academic, social, psychological and spiritual empowerment to the youth. The mission is to build a goal oriented and purpose driven generation for lasting positive leadership growth and personal achievement. Through its work GROW focuses on helping youths achieve greater goals through practical approaches in reducing youth unemployment, Encouraging innovation, Taking responsibility, Acquiring transformational attitudes and techniques to succeed in the face of challenge and find purpose in life. As part of our commitment to giving back to the community, GROW places a strong emphasis on marginalized groups Particularly the Prisoners .We extend our support also to widows, orphans, street children, the elderly, and girls in need of menstrual hygiene support. Our comprehensive approach to prisoner support, includes education, vocational training, mental health services, and post-release assistance. Our commitment to improving living conditions and promoting the successful reintegration of prisoners showcases our dedication to creating meaningful and lasting change within the prison system. Through tailored programs, we provide donations, rehabilitation initiatives, and facilitate the reintegration of prisoners into society. Furthermore, GROW is actively engaged in efforts to reduce recidivism rates by providing vital support and resources to individuals transitioning out of prison. Esther firmly believes in granting everyone a second chance and remains dedicated to assisting those who have completed their sentences in effectively reintegrating into their communities. Through her Organization She partners in a Number of Humanitarian programs in Kenya By forging these Partnerships, she enhances the collective impact, expands our resources, and secures the sustainability of our initiatives. Her ability to foster collaboration and build strong networks has been crucial in achieving our organization's goals. She strongly believes in servant leadership advocates for mentorship with Transparency .Her Motto is Embrace, Engage, Equip and Empower.

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