

Fullname: Richard Tsekpokumah

Category: Outstanding SDG13 Advocate of The Year

Code: 5442

Nominee's Bio: AYEYI Foundation: Embracing Change Creating a new world. AYEYI Foundation is a Ghanaian non-profit organization dedicated to environmental protection initiatives, sanitation practices awareness, proper waste management campaign and afforestation campaigns thus solving part of the climate change challenges. This is done collaboratively with community and school stakeholders, students, youth groups and communities at large. Our vision is to foster a holistically safe and healthy community that prioritizes the protection of human rights, empowers teenage mothers, and advocates for the education of the girl child. Our Mission: We are dedicated to cultivating a culture of environmental protection, proper waste management and promoting respect for human rights through education, advocacy, skills training and scholarship. This collaborative effort involves working with community stakeholders, NGOs, philanthropists, teachers, students and youth groups. Our Activities: School based workshops: We provide detailed sensitization to both teachers and students from the schools in the District on environmental protection, waste management and sanitation practices so that they can serve as advocates in their various schools. Daily picking up of plastic wastes: Through our workshop and trainings on waste management , narrowed to plastic wastes we have supplied sacks to 16 schools and more who collects and segregate wastes on daily basis. These wastes are collected from the schools packed at our warehouse for recycling. School based clean up exercise: We empower the schools through clean up exercises around their schools and within the community with the support of the District Education Office. School Club: We have formed environmental clubs in the said schools training them as advocates for the environment and also preparing them for future leadership. Open defecation and poor wastes management sensitization: These bad practices have led to increase in typhoid fever in the district. As at 2022, the District recorded 1709 typhoid fever cases but unfortunately increased in 2023 to 4632. Sensitization has been intensified in schools, community and the club meetings. Sanitation practices were thoroughly employed . Community Engagement Series: We dialogue with communities helping them to be the owners and proposers of the very solutions needed to their problems. This is done with collaboration with experts from diverse fields particularly health personels. As a result communities have legalized once a month community clean up exercise. Tree planting: Intensive education has been given on the need to plant trees from schools to communities. In June, 2024 about four thousand seedlings of tick trees will be planted in communities and one thousand cashew trees will be planted in schools. Recycling: We have collected a large. quantity of plastic wastes bottles and water satchets. We have started moulding pavement blocks from the wastes and intend doing more. Our Core Approach: Dialogue and Collaboration We are patient with those who we serve. We dialogue with them, get to know the root cause, misconceptions among others then we guide them and then collaborate with them in solving their own problems. Summary: AYEYI Foundation directly addresses Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action which is achieved through the focal lense of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education and out of this Sustainable Development Goal Clean water and sanitation and Good health have been achieved. Through our various activities we are creating a safe and healthy environment for our school children and the community at large.

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